ixCrypto Index

ixCrypto Index ("IXCI") is the first Hong Kong launched benchmark indicative crypto index which aims to reflect the performance of the cryptocurrency market. It is denominated in USD with a base value of 1000 and a base date on 3 December 2018. IXCI is designed to be simple to understand while providing a good representation of the crypto market. It aims to cover the top 80% of the cumulative free-floating market capitalization in the crypto universe; and at the same time falls under the top 75 ranking by trading volume in the 90 days preceding the review date. In March 2021, IX Capital International launched the ixBitcoin Index ("IXBI") and ixEthereum Index ("IXEI"), making IXCI a complete index series. For data feed of the index series, please click here.

ix 數字貨幤指數(“IXCI”) 是本港推出的第一隻數字貨幣指數。指數的基日是2018年12月3日,基值是1,000,以美金計算。IXCI 的設計旨在簡潔易明並有效反映世界數字貨幣市場的表現。指數的範疇涵蓋數字貨幣市場中累計的流通總市值之⾸80%,並需要在指數檢討⽇期前 90 天內同時符合平均交易量前 75 名的要求。2021年3月,信昇資本國際啓動ix比特幣指數(ixBitcoin Index, "IXBI")以及ix以太幣指數(ixEthereum Index, "IXEI"),為IXCI建立一個完整的指數系列。若要獲取該系列的數據推送,請點擊此處

* Marked to crypto prices at 8a.m. Hong Kong time
* 採用當日早晨8:00的數字貨幣價格計算

Historial data for ixCrypto index

Crypto Benchmark Index

Index Name Vendor Code Index Value Change(%)
ixCrypto index IXCI (%)
ixBitcoin index IXBI (%)
ixEthereum index IXEI (%)
ixCrypto Stablecoin index IXSCI (%)
ixCrypto BTC/ETH 50/50 index IX5050 (%)
ixCrypto BTC/ETH Proportional index IXPI (%)

Crypto Spot Price Index

Index Name Index Value Change(%)
ixBitcoin SP index (%)
ixEthereum SP index (%)
ixCardano SP index (%)
ixRipple SP index (%)
ixDogecoin SP index (%)
ixSolana SP index (%)
ixPolkadot SP index (%)
ixBitcoin Cash SP index (%)
ixLitecoin SP index (%)
ixAvalanche SP index (%)
ixPolygon SP index (%)
ixShiba Inu SP index (%)
ixTron SP index (%)
* The above indexes displayed are delayed for 3 minutes.
* 以上指數報價延遲3分鐘。
* All indexes shown are average of 10 exchange prices, disseminate every 5 seconds for 7 days per week and 24 hours per day. Start of day is set as UTC / GMT 00:00 (or 08:00 Hong Kong Time)
* 此頁面的指數均採用10個交易所的平均價格,每週 7 天、每天 24 小時以每5秒發佈。每天的起始時間為世界協調時間(UTC)/ 格林威治標準時間(GMT)00:00(或香港時間08:00)
* For real-time indexes please contact [email protected]
* 如有興趣實時指數,請聯繫 [email protected]

Crypto Portfolio Index

(Updated Hourly)

Index Name Index Value Change(%)
Top 5 coins strategy
ixCrypto 5 EW Index ixCrypto 5 Equal Weight Index
ixCrypto 5 SR Index ixCrypto 5 Square Root Index
Top 10 coins strategy
➤ With Bitcoin
ixCrypto 10 EW Index ixCrypto 10 Equal Weight Index
ixCrypto 10 SR Index ixCrypto 10 Square Root Index
➤ Without Bitcoin
ixCrypto Altcoin 10 EW Index ixCrypto Alcoin 10 Equal Weight Index
ixCrypto Altcoin 10 SR Index ixCrypto Alcoin 10 Square Root Index
* The indexes disseminate every hour, designed for portfolio construction

* 指數每小時發佈,專為投資組合構建而設計

Crypto Industry Index

(Updated Hourly)

Index Name Index Value Change(%)
ixCrypto Infrastructure Index ixCrypto Infrastructure Index
* The indexes disseminate every hour

* 指數每小時發佈


Daily Dissemination

Title Downloads
ixCrypto Index Series Daily Index Bulletin English / 中文
ixCrypto Index Daily Index Level English / 中文
ixBitcoin Index Daily Index Level English / 中文
ixEthereum Index Daily Index Level English / 中文
ixCrypto 5 EW Index Level English / 中文
ixCrypto 5 SR Index Level English / 中文
ixCrypto 10 EW Index Level English / 中文
ixCrypto 10 SR Index Level English / 中文
ixCrypto Altcoin 10 EW Index Level English / 中文
ixCrypto Altcoin 10 SR Index Level English / 中文

Index Review Report

Date Title Downloads
12th Apr, 2024 2024 Q1 Index Review Report Subscribe To Download

Press Release

Date Title Downloads
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Date Title Downloads
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Index Rule and Methodology

Last Update Title Downloads

Corporate Announcement

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Basic Technology - Big Data Usage

Most Outstanding Index Company of the Year

Basic Technology (Big Data)

Basic Technology (Big Data) Startup of the Year


IxCrypto index is a product of IX Capital International Limited ("IXCI"). Products and services of IXCI are offered only in jurisdictions where and when they may be lawfully offered. None of the information is intended for use by persons located in or resident in jurisdictions which restrict the distribution of this material. Persons accessing these pages are required to ascertain, remind themselves of and observe any relevant restrictions.

All information contained herein is provided for reference only. IXCI ensures the accuracy of this information to the best of its endeavours. However, IXCI makes no warranty or representation as to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of any of the information contained herein and accepts no liability (whether in tort or contract or otherwise) whatsoever to any person for any damage or loss of any nature arising from or as a result of reliance on any of the contents of this document, or any errors or omissions in its contents and such contents may change from time to time without notice.

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IXCI shall have no obligation to maintain or to continue to publish the information contained in these pages or to supply any corrections, updates, or releases in connection therewith. At any time and without prior notice, IXCI may change or delete any information, data, services, features or contents of these page, refer you to other sites on the world wide web and/ or change the internet address of any of the pages of this site.

IX Capital International Limited (“IXCI”) is licensed by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission to provide Type 4 (advising on securities) regulated activities. IX Capital International provides investment advisory services on the following product types: stocks, unit trusts, mutual funds and debt securities. For the avoidance of doubt, IX Capital does not provide any investment advisory services on virtual assets.

For the avoidance of doubt, IX Capital’s index business does not fall within the regulatory remit of the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission and therefore IX Capital’s index business is not regulated by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission.

© 2024 IX Capital International Limited. All rights reserved.

Securities and Futures Ordinance in Type 4 (advising on securities) License No: BSZ711

Dealers in Precious Metals and Stones Category A License No: A-B-23-07-00754






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