IX Asia Tokenization Working Group



Dr. Raymond Wong has over 25 years of experience in business development, corporate training, marketing and management in listed companies in Hong Kong, China and APAC in different industries including financial planning, luxury retail, tertiary education and telecommunications.

Dr. Wong was awarded a Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing from Hong Kong Baptist University, a Master of Art in Communication from Hong Kong Baptist University, a Master of Social Science in Counseling from The University of South Australia, a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Upper Iowa University, and a PhD in Enterprise Management from The Shanghai University of Finance and Economic.



Ms. Linda Chan is the co-founder of Pictta, a global-based NFT distributor for metaverse assets on Ethereum and Solana blockchain. Upon her graduation at London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), Linda had worked as an analyst and project manager at HSBC and Credit Suisse. She then turned into a serial entrepreneur and blockchain developer with experience in developing DeFi and Web 3.0 platforms. Since 2020, she has advised and co-founded NFT and metaverse projects which were valued at over US$5 million.

Linda Chan女士是 Pictta 的聯合創始人,一家發行以太坊和 Solana 區塊鏈上的元宇宙資產的NFT服務商。在倫敦政治經濟學院 (LSE) 畢業後,Linda 曾在匯豐銀行和瑞士信貸擔任分析師和項目經理。隨後,她成為一名連續創業者和區塊鏈開發人員,擁有開發 DeFi 和 Web 3.0 平台的經驗。 自 2020 年以來,她為價值超過 500 萬美元的 NFT 和元宇宙項目提供諮詢和服務。

Mr. Andy Ho Chi Wai is the co-founder and chief executive officer of Carbon World Ltd. and is responsible for managing the company's overall operations and growth strategy. With over 25 years of experience in environmental consulting and technology, Mr. Ho has extensive experience in engaging with governments, extensive connections with green groups, and an in-depth understanding of relevant industry practices and relevant environmental regulations. He is the founder and director of RVM Technology Ltd., a leading resource recycling and reuse service solution provider, with more than 18 years of intelligent recycling machine research and development in Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, Macau and China, Operation and promotion deployment experience. Before that, he also served as CEO of Environmental Satellite Services Company and General Manager of Full Comfort Ltd. Mr Ho is also involved in various social services. He once served on the Environmental Affairs Committee of Heung Yee Kuk in the New Territories and is currently one of the members of the Youth Greater Bay Area towards carbon neutrality.

何志偉先生為碳世界有限公司聯合創始人兼首席執行官,負責管理公司的整體運營和增長戰略。 何先生擁有超過 25 年的環境諮詢和技術經驗,在與政府接洽方面經驗豐富,並與綠色團體有廣泛的聯繫,對相關行業實踐和相關環境法規有深入的了解。他是再生資源科技有限公司的創始人兼董事,該公司是一家領先的資源回收再利用服務解決方案提供商,在加拿大,澳洲,香港,澳門及中國地區擁有超過 18 年的智能回收機研發,運營及推廣部署經驗。在此之前,他亦曾擔任環保衛星服務公司行政總裁及輔安科技有限公司的總經理等職務。何先生亦參與不同社會服務, 曾經擔任新界鄉議局環保事務委員及現任青少年大灣區邁向碳中和委員之一。

Mr. Samson Lee (or Sam), is a prominent entrepreneur and FinTech executive with over 25 years’ experience in the TMET sector and substantial success in commercializing various blockchain, digital asset and e-business projects.

  • Winner of the “Asia Futurist Leadership Award” organized by the "Association of Family Offices in Asia"
  • Winner of 2021 the Fintech Proof-of-Concept Subsidy Scheme organized by The Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau (FSTB) of Hong Kong
  • Winner of “Security Tokens Realised Awards London 2020”
  • Co-organizer of TADS Awards, the world’s first international awards for Tokenized Assets & Digitized Securities TADS
  • Honorary Guest Lecturer & Fintech and Blockchain Committee of Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (EDC)
  • Co-author of "Digital Asset" chapter of "Welcome to the New Era of Finance - Hong Kong's Fintech Practice and Prospect" book published by Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
  • Co-chairman of "Asia Pacific Digital Economy Institute"
  • Co-founder and vice chairman of "NFT Association of Hong Kong"
Mr. Lee graduated with an MBA and a Master of Science degrees from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Toronto.

李尚信先生是一位傑出的企業家及金融科技行政人員,具備逾25年的專業「互聯網+ 」及數字經濟產業經驗,一直致力推廣資訊科技產業,曾在亞洲市場上推出了多項突破性的區塊鏈、數字資產及電商項目。

  • 亞洲家族辦公室協會舉辦的“亞洲未來主義領袖獎” 獲獎者
  • 2021香港財經事務及庫務局「拍住上」金融科技概念驗證測試資助計劃獲獎者
  • 2020年 “倫敦数字證券實現獎” 獲獎者
  • TADS 國際數字證券大獎協辦人 -- 全球首個通證化資產和數字證券國際獎項
  • 香港恆生大學(EDC)金融科技區塊鏈委員會委員及名譽客席講師
  • 香港科技大學出版 - 《迎金融新時代—香港金融科技實踐與前瞻》 - “數字資產年”章節的合著者
  • “亞太數字經濟研究院”聯合主席
  • “香港非同質化代幣協會”聯合創始人兼副主席
李先生擁有香港科技大學工商管理學碩士(MBA) 和理學碩士 (電訊及網絡)學位, 及加拿大多倫多大學工商管理和經濟系學士學位。

Mr. Albert Oung is a Myanmar born Chinese raised in Hong Kong. He is a Green entrepreneur, social reformist and environmentalist with over 38 years of international experience focused in the Green Economy. Mr. Oung has been transforming and commercialising common best practices into sustainable and responsible business models through global social impact and ESG applications that conform to the UN 17 SDGs and the UN Global Compact Initiatives.

Mr. Oung is the Founder and CEO of the Green Inc. Group with a business portfolio engaging in Green Finance & Technologies, Green Buildings & Infrastructure, Green Logistic & Warehousing, Renewable Materials & Energies, and Waste Management covering Hong Kong, China, Myanmar, and the Asia Pacific Region. His company was also the first Asian enterprise to win the highest honour in the "Cradle to Cradle Award" and have various global green awards, international intellectual properties, and certification programs.

Mr. Oung has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Toronto with double major in Commerce and Economics. He is also the recipient of University of Toronto’s 2020 Victoria College Distinguished Alumni Award.

汪振富先生是在香港長大的緬甸籍華人。他是一位綠色企業家和環保主義者,在綠色經濟領域擁有超過 38 年的國際經驗。通過符合聯合國 17 個可持續發展目標和聯合國全球契約倡議的全球社會影響和 ESG 應用,汪先生一直大力提倡可持續發展及企業社會責任概念。

汪先生是世界綠色組織的創辦人及會長,其業務包括綠色金融與科技、綠色建築與基礎設施、綠色物流與倉儲、可再生材料與能源以及廢物管理,覆蓋香港、中國大陸、緬甸,以及亞太地區。他的公司也是首間獲得“Cradle to Cradle Award”最高榮譽的亞洲企業,擁有多項全球綠色獎項、國際知識產權和認證項目。

汪先生擁有多倫多大學商業和經濟雙學士學位。他亦是多倫多大學 2020 年維多利亞學院傑出校友獎的獲得者。

Mike Yang boasts a remarkable career spanning 18 years in the North American market and 9 years in the Chinese market, during which he has achieved great success in the sports industry and sports technology innovation development. He also has accumulated many Global and China’s top-notch Sports IP, resources, network, expertise and Know-Hows. Mr. Yang has founded multiple successful sports industry companies and held executive positions in various world-renowned sports brands, including AquaBloom International Sports Technology Group and International Sports Group (ISG)/NIKE Sports Camps, Asia Pacific region. Additionally, he has invested in sports-related companies both domestically and internationally, including the world's largest sports technology innovation platform.

Mr. Mike Yang has also attended UC Berkeley Business School and had been invited by the Tsinghua University to join the Sports Entrepreneur Program and the Digital China Entrepreneur Program.

楊瑞謙先生在北美市場擁有 18 年的傑出職業生涯,在中國市場有 9 年的經驗,在體育產業和體育技術創新發展方面取得了巨大的成功。 他還積累了許多全球和中國頂尖的體育智慧財產權、資源、網路、專業知識和技能。 楊先生亦創辦了多家成功的體育產業公司,並在各個世界知名的體育品牌中擔任高管職位,包括瑞騰國際體育科技集團和國際體育集團 (ISG) / NIKE亞太區運動營。 此外,他還在國內外投資了多家體育相關公司,包括世界上最大的體育技術創新平臺。


Mr. Albert Yip is the Chairman of Syndicate Capital, which is an international investment firm with a strong focus in fintech and ESG investing. During the past three decades, Mr. Yip was appointed as CEO, CFO, CAE and other C-Suite positions across Asia Pacific and the United States by Fortune 500 leaders in the banking and financial sectors. Mr. Yip was the former Senior Vice President and Asia Pacific Regional Head of Corporate Audit at State Street Corporation (the world’s largest custodian bank responsible for about USD 43.3 trillion of global assets). He served other senior management roles in State Street Bank, Manulife Financial, Bank of Asia, Alpha Finnovate, Carbon Credit Xchange and Westpac Bank.
Public Appointments:

  • Chairman of WealthTech Committee and Convenor of Investment Committee, IFTA
  • Co-Chairman of External and Public Affairs, TADS Awards
  • President of Metaverse Chapter, Asia CEO Community
  • Task Force on UN ESCAP ESBN
  • Former Governor and Chairperson of Professional Development Committee, Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), HK Chapter
  • Former Chairperson of Financial Services Committee, CPA Australia, Greater China Division
  • The First Honoree in Asia for WACE Award

葉仕偉先生是聯企融資集團主席,該集團是一家專注於金融科技和 ESG 投資的國際投資集團。在過去的數十年裡,葉先生曾於亞太地區及美國,接受多間《財富500強》的銀行及金融機構委任為高層領導,出任首席執行官、首席財務官、首席審計官等高管職位。葉先生曾任美國道富集團(State Street Corporation,世界最大的託管銀行,負責全球43萬億美元的資產)的高級副總裁兼亞太區企業審計總監。他亦曾在Manulife Financial、State Street Bank、Alpha Finnovate、Carbon Credit Xchange 和 Westpac Bank擔任其他高級管理職務。

  • IFTA財富科技委員會主席兼投資委員會召集人
  • TADS Awards 對外及公共事務聯席主席
  • 亞洲CEO社區元界分會會長
  • 可持續和普惠金融工作組,聯合國 ESCAP ESBN
  • 內部審計師協會(IIA)香港分會前理事兼專業發展委員會主席
  • 澳洲會計師公會大中華區金融服務委員會前主席
  • 亞洲首位WACE獎得主

Ms. Irene OL Wong, CPA, CGMA, is the Founder of IX Capital International Limited, (with previous name “IX Asia Indexes Company Limited”) and IX Fintech Group Limited, two companies specialized in financial products and trading (including digital assets), with award-winning Fintech platforms and solutions, such as the ixOption Platform and the ixCrypto Index. She has over 25 years’ experience in the finance industry doing hedge fund trading, indexing, and creating financial products. Prior to founding IX Fintech Group and IX Capital International, Irene served as Head of Trading at various global hedge funds, Head of the Hang Seng Index Company, and Senior Vice president of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Some of her achievements include the HKEX Stock Options Revamp Project, obtaining no-action relief on stock options products from the US and Taiwan SEC, FTSE/ Hang Seng Index Series project and executing a record number of contracts on the Hang Seng Index Options when she served as an open out-cry floor trader at Morgan Stanley during the 1997 Asian financial crisis . Between 2001 and 2003, Irene managed the operations and business development of the Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited. She is currently a member of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Fintech and Regtech task forces.

黃愛玲女士,CPA, CGMA,是信昇資本國際( 前 “ 信昇亞洲指數有限公司”)和互通金融科技集團的創始人。這兩家公司專注於金融產品和交易(包括數字資產),其金融科技產品及解決方案包括ix期權王及ix數字貨幣指數等屢獲殊榮。她在金融行業擁有超過25年的對沖基金交易,指數編制和金融產品設計經驗。在創立信昇資本國際和互通金融科技集團之前,她曾擔任三間環球對沖基金的亞洲首席交易員,恆生指數有限公司主管和香港交易所高級副總裁。她領導的項目包括2012-2015年港交所進行的期權大改革,取得美國和台灣證券交易委員會對香港股票期權產品的銷售不干預批文;英國富士指數/香港恒生指數 亞洲指數系列;1996年至1999年於摩根士丹利負責公開喊價現場交易,在亞洲金融風暴期間執行了多個全球對沖基金指數期 貨和期權訂單。2001年至2003年,負責恆生指數有限公司的運營和業務發展。她現爲聯合國UNDP金融科技及合規特別工作組成員。